Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Bad Lady Gaga

Now, I know I am clearly a Lady Gaga freak, but the Tiny Dictator has become a tad obsessed. 

Who am I kidding?  Dictators are never a 'tad' anything.  All I get all day long is one request, "Momma! I want Lady Gaga.  The bad Lady Gaga! The bad Lady Gaga LOUD!"

So, here is what I see about a bazillion times a day. 

Apparently dictators also like to try their hand at break dancing.


  1. OMG I lost it at the end...when she shakes her hips!!!!!

  2. Hahahaha! This is great! She is quite the dancer :)

  3. I especially love the bootie shaking and the over-the-shoulder glance at the end. ADORABLE!!!

  4. she is so cute you could die!

  5. I suppose if anyone is going to do anything a bazillion times it should always be this cute.

  6. Awesome! Gotta love the booty shaking!

  7. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Oh my God, she is THE CUTEST kid ever!!!! I love her giggles throughout, and when she runs into the window at the beginning!


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