Thursday, September 04, 2008

Newsflash! Skittle Addicted Hamsters Break Free From Local Pet Store. Story at 11.

Random ramblings today because it's an ungodly hour. I am tired but my body just won't sit still long enough to actually sleep.

That title? It goes back to the days when email was brand spankin' new and to make each other laugh E and I would put titles like that in the subject line. I know. We were far older than five but it never failed to crack us up. And for some reason? Hamsters always factored in.

I didn't burn anything in effigy on my front lawn yesterday. I'm sure my neighbors were happy. I don't think they would find the humor in my burning anything, even Fall leaves, but especially not say, a red elephant or suspicious looking penguin type character.

TD wants to name her new baby sister Svetlana and I'm blaming it all on this blogger and her seductively cool purple penguin that she sent us.

We have preschool Open House this morning and I can't help but wonder if I'll meet any cool moms this year. Ones that won't look at me and say, "You do what? Blog? Oh, I've heard of those...." Then deem me "alternative" (judge much Mummy? Geez... take your tired ass back to bed,why don't you?) or some other such nonsense. What? You haven't met those people yet? I have. Often.

My cranky butt is ignoring the coffee this morning and going back to bed.

Scratch that idea, TD is up and running....


Check out MPR's newest review, it's called Jooners and it is the auto-assured, for anyone and anything online scheduling program. To say that I love it is an understatement. Go! Sign up! It's free! It makes life a lot smoother! Especially for all of you with kids going back to school this month. Be the cool kid on the block for once and jump on this bandwagon!

Look where I popped up this week. To think that I am inspiring just blows my mind but THANK YOU! When you find yourself lying awake at four a.m. with writers block this does actually help.

In just days, you will be privy to some very exciting news too. Stay tuned!! Stuff is brewing!!

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