Monday, July 14, 2008

The New Thirty Day Challenge- Winner!!

After much deliberating I have chosen a winner for 'The New Thirty Day Challenge'. It wasn't easy either. You people are a creative and funny lot, expletives and all. I am happy to hear that this has inspired some of you to jump on the wagon with me too. With that being said, here is the winning entry-

Jacqueline from Atlanta wrote:
About two months ago I made a little sign for my desk.
It says:Use it up.Don't replace it.Keep it neat.First things first.
The use it up referred to my tendency to stockpile stuff, like your beauty products. If it's a really good sale (can you say, "Bath & Body Works Semi-Annual Clearance Sale?) I buy three!The don't replace it referred to not stockpiling junk anymore.Keep it neat was mainly for my desk.First things first means to do the important things in the day right off the bat and do the one chore you are dreading the most first and get it out of the way so you can enjoy the rest of the day.First things first also refers to long term planning, such as putting aside money for retirement or kids' college before buying doodles.Which is all a long-winded way of saying, "I feel your pain." (read that in a half-choked voice)Call it:SA: Shopaholics Anonymous - 30 Days on the Wagon that Isn't Headed to the Mall.

Congratulations Jacqueline!!! Email me (veamason AT gmail DOT com) soon so I can get in touch with you!! You'll be receiving the surprise pack of products shortly. It will be mailed before I leave for BlogHer on Thursday, I swear!

You can read more about the SA- The 30 day challenge over at this site too- I'm updating it frequently with my progress and hope you'll join me in climbing on the wagon that isn't going to the mall. Easier said than done, I know.

A new review of Hanes Kidswear is going up today at MPR. Check it out- I'm giving away a whole outfit, plus more free stuff to one lucky winner.

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