Monday, January 22, 2007

Day One

Winter has finally wrapped us up in its white blanket. I could barely contain my excitement yesterday over the years first snowfall. The further we drove into Virginia the harder the snow came down. I spent many minutes yesterday just staring out the window with T.D. showing her her first snowfall. Today it's already melting but I don't care. I love the tranquility and ease that snow provides. I love that I didn't have to shovel it off my car at 5 a.m., slipping on icy patches as I hurry to scrape thick ice off the car and get to work on time. Insert EVIL laugh there as it makes me positively giddy quite frankly.

When I woke up this morning it was 6:41 a.m. I'm normally at work at this time. I can't say it felt like I was doing something wrong, but things did feel a bit off this morning. It will definetly take me a while to get used to this new life. So far though it's not half bad. Listening to Imus while perusing yesterday's paper while T.D. arms the kitchen with a brigade of tiny tub toys and flings Sunday fliers around the room is just fine with me. Right now there is no rush and I like that. I need that.

Like last April when I began this blog about new motherhood and the crazy ups and downs parenting provides I'll continue to write about the daily life of being a WAHM. I think this is a new book, not just a chapter in my life beginning. To say I'm excited is beside the point. I'm elated and I honestly didn't think I would be to this degree. Now when my teething dictator wakes up and refuses to do anything but rub snot on me I'm sure I'll have a slightly different attitude.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Congratulations on a new beginning. I work from home part time. It's a gift and a challenge!

    I am going to be your blog exchange partner. Can you send me an email so we can coordinate?



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