Wednesday, May 17, 2006


Just a few little shout outs to my friends who have done some great things recently!

1. Congrats to my cousin Amy who got into Northeastern! YEAH!!! She also recieved a 5k a year scholarship for academic excellence. I'm so proud!

2. A job well done to my friend Candi who organized an amazing event- the first EVER Y-ME Walk to Empower in Washington, DC on Mother's Day. It was a great morning and everyone had a good time. Can't wait for next year!!!!

I hope I'm not missing anyone here. And a big THANK YOU to all my friends who are a constant source of support in every way. I couldn't write all this stuff without you guys!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:35 PM


    Just catching up with like posts today. So, first....prozac, prozac, prozac....I'm not even mom yet but with my work and moving and re-adjusting to life w/ Hubby (after his return f/ overseas), I felt the same way...seriously...from the about Aug 2003 until Aug 2005...Finally hubby couldn't take it anymore and MADE me go to the doctor. So, prozac changed my life & I'm not even afraid to say so :) secondly, I did WW before...lost A LOT of weight...but then I fell off the wagon ;) But I'm back on WW now, just got back on track 3 weeks ago - counting points and working out. Have lost 10 lbs so far. So I'm with you :)


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