Friday, December 14, 2007

Sleep...Mm... Divine

It's amazing what a fantastic date night and a good night's sleep can do. Yesterday I was fully on my way to a ride on the JC (think Mommie Dearest) train but after a fun girls lunch with my MIL and a bit of work in the afternoon I was on my way to feeling less edgy.

Add in a great date night of yummy Thai food where the restaurant was full of candlelight and twinkly lights and my mood was fixed. I didn't even imbibe anything harsher than water and some soda. Amazing. By the time H and I hit the movie theatre I was in full pre-baby date giddiness. I knew we needed time together but I didn't know it was that bad. Thank God for family! I didn't even care that the film, No Country for Old Men, was so adrenaline pumping and full of tension which I had totally nixed originally. I just wanted light and laughter. Yet, that tension and suspense was so good I didn't care.

Then... it happened. A night of blissful sleep. No snoring dog woke me up with her old man like hacking and snorting. No tiny dictator teething away in her toddler bed beckoned me. I just slept. I slept until I woke up. And not the first time I woke up either. It wasn't the 10:30 of my youth wake up, more like 7:15, but it was heaven. Today I'm a woman renewed. The sunshine vs. gloom is a nice added touch. Sleep apparently cures a case of the Mean Mommies.

Hit Mummy's Product Reviews for some fabulous new reviews- Gorgeous clothing and some pretty fun stuff. Enjoy!

Wait! Don't go! Relieve some of the holiday stress by reading this post. I laughed until I cried. Then perused it again. Thanks Lindsay you rock!

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