Thursday, November 15, 2007

No DIY, no coupons, and no cute kid stories here

I can't talk about holiday goodness, turkey day recipes, DIY centerpieces, or getting the lead out. There are no coupons or giveaways today. I'm skipping GNO tonight because I feel the need to cocoon. The rain is like a weevil in my brain. It kept me up last night. It makes me want to curl up and keep my Little Women DVD on a constant loop. I also have a massive amount of stuff to get done.

So in lieu of boring you with kooky stories about my dog time-traveling or how she swears she's produced such hit movies like Wild Hogs, which she claims was a big hit, I bring you this. Because really? Do you want to hear how ridiculously cute it was that T.D. told on the dog yesterday after the Lex got into some groceries? She did. It was cute. The evidence also spoke for itself. Enough said.

Enjoy a little lead free moment.

This ages me but who remembers the original version of this PSA? I can still recall my friends and I using these lines on teachers and other adults in high school.

The original version for you youngsters. Did we really have stereos with knobs like that in '87? Wow. And is that the Smuckers guy doing the voice over? Discuss.

You know you were saying the words along with Bugs. I still think, "Keep those pot handles turned in" each time I cook.

Totally unrelated but I ALWAYS wondered how they did that!

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