Friday, August 10, 2007

A Family that Plays Together, Stays Together

Quality Family Time. "What's that?", I sometimes wonder to myself, when between H and I we juggle a business, my writing, and his full-time 9-5 job. Time can get pretty scarce. We have to count on the little moments. The ones that are short but sweet.

Some of my favorite times are meal times. Breakfast or dinner we sit down and talk about our day. T.D. being 18 mos. things can get pretty comical. Flying food, cascading food, and hilarious tantrums can be the norm. Add the dog in and it's a regular party or a pilot for a sitcom. We do a lot of dancing in our house as well, especially in the kitchen. The radio is always on or the iPod is piping music through the house and we all stop to dance in between unloading the dishwasher or cleaning up the kitchen. It's a blast, funny, and makes us parents destress while making T.D. feel like she can do something with us.

So while we don't often have a ton of time together we make it count when we do. We spend short amounts of time at the pool, we take evening walks as a family, and always try to sit down together and recap our day as we shovel food into our pieholes. What do you do with your family?

It's Blog Blast Friday so head on over to PBN and check out the incredibly fun prizes being given away just for posting what you like to do as a family. A Wii and EA's new game Boogie! What better family time can you have? Go on, post! You know you want to!

This post is brought to you in conjunction with Parent Bloggers Network & EA's Wii-Boogie, a family gaming experience. Shake it. Sing it. Create it.


  1. I'll go check it out! It is nice to meet you by the way!!! Love the layout on your site.

  2. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Hee!! Bethany is 14 months old. She LOVES dinner time. In between bites she "talks" and "sings" (the li'l hand motions to "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and "Twinkle Twinkle" are her favorites). We play music a lot, and "dance" was one of her first words!

    Sounds like your house is just as loud as mine!!

  3. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Sounds like you have a lot of fun!

  4. We try! Whether it's the White Stripes or the Gap Band we like music in our house. Sometimes a little Black Flag gets thrown in for added head banging...

  5. It really is the quality, not the quantity, that counts. It's what our kids will remember.

  6. Music has always been the best motivational tool to get my children moving. Since my older two were 3 and 5 we have pumped up the music so everyone in the house can hear it while cleaning. We have continued this tradition. It makes cleaning fun and we end up in the family room with made up instruments (tennis racket guitar, empty ceramic pot drum, etc.). We usually end up falling down on the coach in histerical laughter.


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