Monday, June 02, 2008

How Old is Too Old?


Well readers, share your thoughts on this one.

Let's hear your comments.


  1. know...nevermind. I'm not saying a word.

  2. Anonymous1:44 PM

    I don't know, it's kind of weird, no? I mean, as an American, we just aren't used to seeing that everyday. But visit some 3rd world countries and you see it all the time. You even see Grandmother's breast feeding still. It is healthy as long as Mom eats healthy right? But they do make pumps too. Then there is the whole bond issue. A friend of mine breast fed until her last child was about 3, so I guess its a matter of choice. It's not for everyone.

  3. Most women would probably say I have no right to answer this question as 1)I don't have any children (yet) and 2) I don't plan on breast feeding when I do have children, BUT I'm going to weigh in anyway. Breast feeding up until the age of 5 and 7 is a bit excessive don't you think. I'm sure there are plenty of people who would argue with me until they are blue in the face, but in my opinion its too long to breast feed your child.

  4. Anonymous7:27 PM

    After 12 months, you are done! We visit 10 blogs everyday and you were one of them today. Have a great week.

    The Celebrity Boutique Girls

  5. It is too bad that people are so quick to dismiss breastfeeding and be judgmental of those who do nurse their children beyond a certain age. I am still nursing my 17 month old son, and we both enjoy that time together. The WHO and other international organizations encourage breastfeeding to age two and beyond. AAP has a similar statement out (6 months exclusive, 1 year and then as long as mutually desirable). The American Academy of Family Physicians states "If the child is younger than two years of age, the child is at increased risk of illness if weaned." More guidelines:

    As for the woman in the video and her children, they obviously are happy with their situation. Why change it? It does not cause either of them harm, and it is doing a lot of good.

    Breastfeeding is not for every mother, but it is for every baby-- the perfect food. Certainly, there are some who need and/or chose formula for their baby, but to judge a woman for nursing beyond your comfort level is no better than the women who chase down other women buying formula at a store.

  6. I think it totally depends upon the two people in the breastfeeding relationship. If it ain't broken why fix it? But if either mom or baby is ready to move on, then they move on. If you think it's too old then don't do it, easy answer!

  7. Thank you Maria! This is just the type of informed and open-minded I was looking for when I posted this topic. I wanted to get a nice little discussion going on this.

    I breastfed for a while and then had to stop and formula fed T.D. and in the end it was a choice made by the whole family. I'll do it again with this child and see how things play out. If it doesn't work due to more PPD or allergy issues, etc then we'll move on.

  8. Vicky-- You're welcome. This is a topic on my hot list. People started asking me when my son was seven months old when I would wean him, and I have heard the whole kitten- caboodle on nursing. On the flip, I personally struggle with and constantly have to remind myself not to judge those families who do need/use formula.

  9. I agree with extended breastfeeding, and child-led-weaning. My only objection is the AGE of the children in the video. The girl is what..close to 8? When I was that age I was getting ready to start having periods, and was entering puberty. I just feel that breastfeeding at such an advanced age is beyond the scope of WHO or AAP or any other agency....and I seriously doubt girls were still breastfeeding at the age of 8 in "the olden days" or in any third world contries today. They're gearing up for womanhood, not nursing at the breast.

    I don't know...I feel breast IS indeed best for babies....toddlers...but pre-pubescent children? Nah.

    I wonder how everyone would respond if she were breastfeeding an 8-year-old BOY?

  10. Good point about the gender issue Tiffany. I wondered the same thing.

    Maria, again it is hard not to feel a bit guilty about the choice I had to make but when I think back to how breastfeeding and PPD were linked for me, not everyone, and how my child was reacting - a good nurser but never getting enough and then developing colic and having issues with pumping at work the best choice for us was to go to formula. I can't look back and I can try again with this one but if it doesn't work out I can't beat myself up over it.

    I appreciate those who do realize that while we know breast is best it doesn't always work out and sometimes formula has to be an option and thank goodness we can 1.) afford it and 2.) have the option period.

  11. Anonymous8:35 PM

    What is Euro Mom getting out of keeping her children infantile? Nursing my babies has been and still is one of the most wonderful experiences I've ever had but when little "D" can walk around the house, hold a sippy cup and ask for more snacks then it will be time to retire the boob until dash 3 comes along. I want my girls to grow up and learn to deal with life's ups and downs without needing to latch on.
    To all those who say "its just not for me" without even trying or pumping and expect no one to question your choice is ridiculous.
    To deny your child the best possible food is very unfortunate. I wish ladies would just be honest for their choice and admit they don't want to take the time, energy and commitment that it takes to breastfeed or pump.


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