Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Obligatory Post Blogher Post

There was a little bit of this

and a little bit of that

Yes, I am licking the blogher sign made out of Ivory soap. Sometimes, I like to lick things. That's not weird or anything is it?

and the weekend wouldn't be complete without a giant dueling unicorn cake courtesy of Sparkleron, now would it?

Oh, right and I attended some really wonderful panels by people like Susan, Britt and Sarah Maizes (watch her book trailer, it's hilarious). This year I felt like I took away a bit of an education for my future, something I lacked last year. I felt lonely at times though as it seemed half my blogging world-turned IRL world friends were missing. Still, I got to dance, room with Sarah yet again (hair, bags of hair to sell on ebay, Sarah. BWAHAHA...) skip sleep, see The Help early and enjoy some time with a bunch of women and even some men who are funny and smart. They make the whole trek cross-country worthwhile. Oh, and I got to meet Jurgen Nation, who I sometimes stalk on Mamapop, so that's cool.

*Unicorn cake image courtesy of surrenderdorothy.typepad.com


  1. You seem like a pretty fun mom!

  2. Just wanted to say what a great pleasure it was to hang out with you and your murderous rage in San Diego.

  3. I forgot about the soap licking. That was awesome.

    Ah heck, the whole thing was pretty awesome. Especially that one breakfast.

  4. I love you. That is all!


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