Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Bathing Suit Season Cometh

You know eating an entire box of cupcakes seemed like a fab idea at the time. So did guzzling bottles of wine, eating crepes with bacon, syrup and yes, more bacon. Those fries were also pretty tasty as was the hot buttered popcorn I savored at the movies last week. Overdid it a tad? Perhaps. I admit I'm a glutton of sorts and I do like my salts and sweets. And um... all things winey. And beery and vodka-infused too.

So it is with great horror that I realized that the pool will be opening soon and I've got two kiddos who are all about running around in cute floral swimsuits with ruffled behinds. Me? Not so much. I've got more of a rippley behind and it has got to come to a full stop. Not a full stop for those walking near me either, as in, "Oh dear gawd! Would you just look at that white pasty mess before us? There are children present!"

I'm also training for a 5k, like some other Shredheads, and it doesn't really behoove me to be eating like a college football player. I'm not going to go into what my dietary restrictions will be and so forth. Because that is a snooze button waiting to happen but I will tell you this. My wine bill? It will be smaller and because of that so will my waist line.

I'm missing my pinot grigio already.

"Breast-feeding, every time I think of it, I feel faint." I'm talking about pregnancy and breastfeeding in Got Milk? over at 23andMe pregnancy community. Join me today!

I'm up over at Honest Baby too with, "Fondue=Happy Mother's Day?"

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