Wednesday, November 01, 2006

November's Blog Exchange- Open Letter

Candy, Candy, Candy I Can't Let You Go...

An Open Letter To My Kids' Trick Or Treat Bag:

We have to end this. It's wrong. You know it. I know it. My husband knows it. My son knows it.

It's not love I have for you, it's lust. I wish I could say it meant something when I dive my hand deep inside you. Or when I fondle your orange head with one hand, while the other tickles and caresses every inch of wrapper.

But don't kid yourself. I'm using you. I'm using you for a short, sweet in the mouth guilt. Pleasure. Pure pleasure.

We know it won't last. And we know you will only leave me feeling fat.

So we're ending this now, before it even begins. Go ahead and use those crooked to teeth to stare at me. Mock me. But I am NOT cheating this year. It ends here. At year 3.

3-year-old can count their tootsie rolls. Those yummy, tootsie lumps. He'll know. I'll know. You will know.

It's over.
Happy Halloween

Erin, Queen of Spain's Bio: Erin spent eight years bringing you live, breaking news on-the-air at Los Angeles news institution KFWB and other broadcasting outlets. She has six Golden Mike Awards stashed in the closet from those KFWB Los Angeles days including "Best Investigative Reporting: Port in Peril," the piece that touched off dozens of local, state and federal hearings on our nation's port security. (Not to mention a swarm of similar stories and investigations by news networks across the nation.)

Erin has spent the past three years making her own headlines on the motherhood front, with the birth of a son in 2003 and a daughter in 2005. But never without critiquing the evening news and second-guessing an editor's choice of morning headlines.

She chronicles the afterlife of big city reporter turned Mommy at her personal blog where she is known as the "Queen of Spain."

***You can find my Open Letter on Erin's site
here. Click on the title link to read other open letters in this month's blog exchange.***


  1. Anonymous1:41 PM

    I had no idea I sent you the really long bio. I'm so sorry. Feel free to edit the crap out of that.

  2. Don't sweat it. I didn't mind.

  3. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Candy=ultimate temptation. Give in to the dark side. There is no point in trying to fight it..

  4. Anonymous5:32 PM

    So are you saying that next year I will be able to control myself around tootsie rolls?


  5. But they were two sweet years, weren't they? You'll always have the memories.

  6. It's sad when kids learn to count.


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